15 Superfoods That Will Keep You Healthy and Strong

Superfoods are foods with properties that make them very different from conventional foods. However, it is not easy for the layperson to recognize what a real superfood is and what is only referred to as such.
The term “superfood” is often misused for advertising purposes. Even a superfood is of no use if it is only added in minimal quantities to an otherwise conventional muesli or an ordinary bar in order to be able to write “superfood” on its packaging.
A superfood only becomes a really effective superfood if it is regularly integrated into the menu in large quantities.
What is a superfood?
To be labeled as a superfood the food should meet the following criteria:
Superfoods provide a very large amount of one or more nutrients, active substances or vital substances and significantly more than the usual foods.
Superfood is as natural as possible and comes from organic production or wild growth.
Superfood is a wholesome and holistic food. A single vitamin or a single extracted plant substance can also have a great effect, but it is not a superfood, but could rather be described as a dietary supplement.
Superfood doesn’t have to taste delicious to be a superfood.
Superfood doesn’t have to be easy to snack on, and it doesn’t have to be expensive either, as is often assumed by a superfood.
A superfood can, but does not have to, come from distant tropical or arctic regions.
Can superfoods be used to treat diseases?
Superfoods should be part of every therapy. When someone has lost their health, it is all the more important to eat the best possible food in order to recover — and superfoods are the first and foremost.
The list of the 15 best superfoods
Starting today, put your menu together from our list of superfoods. After four weeks at the latest, you no longer need a scientific study on this subject. Your energy level, your well-being, your performance and your appearance will have convinced you long ago. We wish you a great appetite!
1. Green Foods
· Wild plants (e.g. dandelion and nettle)
· Grasses (e.g. barley grass and spelled grass)
· Moringa
· Green cultivated vegetables (e.g. salads, spinach, celery leaves)
· Garden herbs (e.g. parsley, basil, lemon balm)
· Algae (Spirulina, Chlorella, AFA)
· As well as many more that we have listed here: Green leafy vegetables for iron deficiency
2. Cruciferous vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables provide plenty of vital substances and phytochemicals. What is special about this family of plants, however, is a very special group of plant substances: the so-called glucosinolates. During the digestive process, these are transformed into anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer substances such as DIM or sulforaphane. These vegetables include broccoli, broccoli sprouts, cauliflower, white cabbage, red cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kale and many more. But also rocket or mustard (the leaves are very tasty) belong to the cruciferous vegetables. Likewise, radish, radishes and the horseradish.
3. Raw sauerkraut
Like any other fermented and raw food, sauerkraut provides plenty of probiotic cultures in addition to the benefits of cruciferous vegetables. The probiotic cultures in sauerkraut initially have a very positive effect on the digestive system — and not only in the intestines.
The useful probiotics contained in sauerkraut already displace harmful bacteria in the stomach, namely the so-called Helicobacter pylori, which is responsible for gastric mucosal inflammation and gastric ulcers. In the intestine, the sauerkraut then supports the development of a healthy intestinal flora, which in turn leads to the regeneration of the intestinal mucosa and a strengthened immune system.
However, be sure to eat raw sauerkraut. Pasteurized sauerkraut in a bag or in a jar no longer has any positive effects.
4. Shiitake mushrooms

If you want to have a mushroom dish, leave the pale cultivated mushrooms on the left more and more often. Reach for the highly effective shiitake mushrooms. Their strong aroma speaks for itself. In addition, the shiitake mushroom is considered an active anti-cancer food, which we have already reported on a specific example — cervical cancer — in the link above.
5. Almonds
Almonds provide top quality fat made from mainly monounsaturated fatty acids.
In addition, they provide the finest fiber — namely those with prebiotic properties that benefit the intestinal flora.
Even a small portion of almonds a day contributes significantly to covering the magnesium, calcium and vitamin B requirements, for example.
6. Pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds provide the most zinc of all plant foods (together with poppy seeds). In addition, 50 grams of pumpkin seeds already cover half the magnesium requirement of an adult, and hardly any other food has such a healing effect on the urinary tract, the bladder and the prostate as pumpkin seeds.
Even urologists advise their patients to nibble on pumpkin seeds every day to prevent or fix prostate problems.
7. Papaya

With a papaya you not only have a fruit in the house, but a small medicine cabinet. Because you should always have the papaya seeds in stock. Just a few papaya kernels per day not only protect against bacterial infections, but also against internal parasites or drive them away if they have already established themselves.
At the same time, the papaya seeds help with the regeneration and detoxification of the liver and should therefore be part of every liver cleanse. We have described the extremely helpful effects of papaya seeds here: The healing power of papaya seeds
8. Grape seeds
If you buy grapes, you should only buy grapes with seeds. Seedless grapes are usually much richer in sugar because they are heavily over-bred. Grapes containing pits not only contain less sugar, but also those secondary plant substances that are hidden in the small grape pips — above all the famous oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPC).
Grape seeds repair tissue and skin, therefore, they have long been used for neurodermatitis and psoriasis. They also cure allergies, stimulate hair growth, work against cancer, and keeps your eyes healthy.
Grape seeds are also available in the form of grape seed flour, which can easily be mixed into shakes, smoothies or mueslis.
9. Berries
Tremendous powers lie dormant in berries. Enormous amounts of antioxidants make berries in combination with green leafy vegetables the true guarantors of health.
So whenever you can, reach for raspberries, blackberries, black and red currants, gooseberries, blueberries or berries such as acai, aronia and goji.
10. Acerola and camu camu
The acerola cherry, together with the camu camu fruit, is the best completely natural vitamin C supplier. Forget the synthetically produced ascorbic acid from the pharmacy. Reach for acerola juice, acerola powder, or camu camu powder. This will help you get large amounts of the best vitamin C you can get.
The acerola cherry provides 1,700 mg of vitamin C and camu camu up to 2,000 mg of vitamin C per 100 g. For comparison: citrus fruits contain around 50 mg of vitamin C. And vitamin C — this is well known — has so many strong positive effects that you should be perfectly supplied with it.
Our skin, immune system, blood, blood vessels, the liver, hormonal glands and all of our other organs and tissues need vitamin C.
11. Pomegranate

It was once Eve’s apple in paradise. And not only every single fiery red blossom of the pomegranate reminds of heavenly conditions, but also the delicious taste of its fruits. In addition, the pomegranate is a remedy and therefore a first-class superfood.
Two of the best-researched substances in pomegranate are its polyphenols in the juice on the one hand, and hormone-active substances from the oil in pomegranate seeds on the other. The latter means that capsules with pomegranate seed oil are popular with menopausal symptoms. The pomegranate-specific polyphenols, on the other hand, are considered to be massively anti-cancerous. In studies, they were effective against breast cancer, prostate cancer and leukemia. They also inhibit the formation of metastases and stop inflammatory processes, as we have explained here: With the pomegranate against breast cancer
Even those with high blood pressure could first try a cure with two glasses of pomegranate juice a day before taking a blood pressure tablet.
At the same time, the juice drops high cholesterol levels and reduces arteriosclerotic deposits in the blood vessels. Therefore, the pomegranate — apparently especially in combination with dates — is an excellent and completely natural support for the cardiovascular system.
12. Ginger
No matter whether it is tea, juice, water, smoothie, protein drink — ginger fits everywhere!
Diabetics who regularly consume ginger are also less likely to develop cataracts than diabetics who do not like ginger. So ginger seems to protect the eyes. And as is typical for a superfood, ginger is also very anti-cancer. It reduces the aggression potential of cancer cells and in some cases can even drive degenerate cells into suicide.
For ginger tea, simply mix a piece of raw ginger with hot water — done. Such a tea is much more effective than the usual tea recipes, in which the ginger is cooked far too long. Ginger gives momentum, concentration and freshness. It also dispels nausea and some forms of pain. The pain-relieving effect of ginger is known for headaches and muscle aches.
13. Avocados
Avocado does not increase your cholesterol level and also does not contribute to obesity — even though it consists of up to 20 percent fat. On the contrary: according to studies, the avocado reduces all risk factors that could lead to cardiovascular problems, osteoporosis, cancer and inflammation.
Avocados therefore fit very well into a healthy diet. The buttery fruits keep you full and fit in many dishes. So the avocado ensures that you eat smaller amounts of the usual less healthy fillers (bread, pasta) and also smaller amounts of other fats.
14. Turmeric

Turmeric is a highly effective antioxidant and has been shown to help against cancer (e.g. against prostate cancer), supports dental health and can be used to remove mercury. Turmeric appears to have a protective effect against leukemia in children. At the same time, turmeric protects against fluorides, which can have numerous health disadvantages — even if they can harden your teeth.
Turmeric also heals the liver, prevents gallstones and is a blessing for diabetes. Turmeric is a valuable home remedy even for sinus infections, as well as for herpes and irritable bowel syndrome.
Turmeric also seems to have a positive effect on dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
15. Oregano
Oregano should by no means only be used on pizza and in pasta sauce. Oregano is so valuable that you should first grow it — ideally in several pots — on your windowsill, on the balcony or in the garden so that you always have it fresh to hand before you add it to all the dishes land on your table.
Oregano will always keep your body tidy and clean. It works as a natural antibiotic and frees you from uninvited guests in the event of parasite infestation — ideally together with superfood №7, the papaya seeds. Oregano is also one of the natural measures for fungal infections, and oregano is used internally and externally for vaginal thrush.
How to Incorporate superfoods in your everyday diet?

Start the day with a ginger tea. Add turmeric if you like.
In addition to lots of fresh berries, add a mix of aronia berries and pomegranate seeds to your muesli. In addition, sprinkle a spoonful of grape seed flour and baobab fruit powder on top
In the late morning you can enjoy a green smoothie with plenty of green leafy vegetables including some oregano leaves and a daily dose of acerola powder.
Your dressing for lunch is seasoned with horseradish (a cruciferous vegetable) and a vegetable made from broccoli, another type of cabbage or the shiitake mushroom. The rice is seasoned with turmeric.
In the afternoon, drink a glass or two of pomegranate juice.
Avocado mousse with oregano is added to the whole grain bread in the evening. Served with a serving of raw sauerkraut with a spoon of hemp oil.
And whenever you feel like a snack, nibble on pumpkin seeds, almonds and a spicy papaya seed in between. Or you fill the papaya kernels in your pepper mill and use them to “pepper” your dishes.