What Sunflower Seeds Do To Your Body And Everything Else You Need to Know

Salahuddin Ahmed
13 min readDec 3, 2023

Image credit: Engin Akyurt, Unsplash

Sunflower seeds provide plenty of protein, fiber, B vitamins, vitamin E, and minerals — which makes them an extremely healthy snack. If the delicious seeds land regularly on the plate, they can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

Whether in bread, muesli, patties, or salads — sunflower seeds give many dishes a nutty taste and a hearty bite. In some countries and regions of the world, such as Russia, Turkey and the Near and Middle East, salted or roasted sunflower seeds are very popular as snacks: As a rule, the kernels are sold there with the shell, which is then sold with the Teeth are cracked open. In Central Europe, on the other hand, it is more common to buy peeled kernels.

Revered by the Incas

Sunflower seeds are the fruits of the sunflower (Helianthus annuus). The Incas worshiped the sunflower because it was considered to be the image of their sun god “Inti”. The plant originally comes from America, from where the Spanish conquerors brought it to Europe in the 16th century.

Today, sunflowers are grown worldwide — mainly to produce sunflower oil, which is pressed from the kernels. Ukraine, Russia, the countries of the European Union, and Argentina are among the largest producers of sunflower oil.

Sunflower seeds in low-carb and vegan cuisine

Sunflower seed flour can also be made from the so-called press cake, i.e. the de-oiled kernels that remain after the oil production. This is used in bread, rolls, and crackers, especially in low-carb recipes, as it has only half the carbohydrate content of conventional flour (35 percent versus 60–70 percent).

There have long been spreads made from pureed sunflower seeds that are reminiscent of cream cheese. The basic recipe can then be combined with other ingredients, for example, paprika, onions, chives, wild garlic, chili, curry, basil, etc. so that there are countless extremely delicious variations of these spreads for every taste. Of course, you can also prepare these spreads and dips yourself.

Nutritional values ​​of sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds are extremely healthy because they contain many valuable ingredients. For example, they are good sources of protein and fiber.

Sunflower seeds provide plenty of polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially linoleic acid — one of the best-known omega-6 fatty acids (17,000 mg per 100 g). The content of omega-3 fatty acids (alpha-linolenic acid), on the other hand, is low (26 mg per 100 g). The content of monounsaturated fatty acids is around 6,500 mg. It is mainly oleic acid, which is contained in very large quantities in olive or almond oil.

Sunflower Oil: Good or Bad?

When it comes to choosing the right cooking oil, sunflower oil is often not recommended. The omega-6-omega-3 ratio is too bad (because it contains too much linoleic acid/omega 6), which is why the oil could have an inflammatory effect. The ideal omega-6-omega-3 ratio is generally given as 4: 1 (4 times more omega 6 than omega 3). In sunflower oil, however, the ratio is 120 to 270: 1. So, anyone who constantly and exclusively uses sunflower oil could promote inflammatory diseases.

Nonetheless, linoleic acid (just like alpha-linolenic acid) is an essential fatty acid that must be taken in with the diet. So it’s not inherently bad. The only problem is a large excess of linoleic acid — and not always that either. It always depends on the overall package of a diet. One could therefore pay more attention to using more omega-3-rich foods.

Image credit: Bonnie Kittle, Unsplash

Sunflower seeds have an anti-inflammatory effect

So even if sunflower oil may not be ideal for your health (if it is used in too large quantities), the consumption of sunflower seeds is healthy and even has an anti-inflammatory effect. This was shown by an observational study of 6000 people published in the American Journal of Epidemiology.

In people who ate a portion of sunflower seeds (30 g) five times a week, lower levels of inflammation were measured in the blood than in people who ate less or never. This also applied to the consumption of other kernels and nuts, such as pine nuts or walnuts. It is believed that this is why the consumption of kernels and nuts is also associated with a lower cardiovascular and diabetes risk.

The calories in sunflower seeds

With 480 kcal per 100 g, sunflower seeds are in the normal range in terms of their calories — at least compared to other seeds and nuts. For example, 100 g walnuts contain 650 kcal, pumpkin seeds 565 kcal. This may seem like a lot, but kernels and nuts should not be eaten as additional snacks, but should either replace unhealthy snacks such as chips and sweets or — even better — simply be considered staple foods. So they are eaten instead of bread and rolls or instead of meat, sausage and cheese.

The vitamins in sunflower seeds

Above all, sunflower seeds help to meet the daily requirement for B vitamins and vitamin E.

The minerals in sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds are good sources of magnesium and potassium.

The trace elements in sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds can help meet your daily iron, zinc, and copper requirements.

The glycemic index and glycemic load of sunflower seeds

The glycemic index and glycemic load indicate the influence of food on the blood sugar level. Sunflower seeds have a glycemic index of 35 and a glycemic load of 7. The glycemic index relates to 100 g of carbohydrates — the glycemic to 100 g of the food.

We therefore recommend that you orient yourself more towards the glycemic load. Values ​​up to 10 are considered to be low — sunflower seeds therefore have only a small effect on the blood sugar level with a glycemic load of 7. On the contrary, studies even show that sunflower seeds can help reduce high blood sugar levels, as you can read below.

Sunflower seeds for histamine intolerance

Sunflower seeds are among the histamine liberators. This means that they promote the release of the body’s histamine. If you suffer from histamine intolerance, it is best to test with small amounts whether you can tolerate sunflower seeds. Otherwise, you’d better avoid them.

Sunflower seeds for gluten intolerance

Sunflower seeds are gluten-free, so they can be eaten without any problems if you are gluten intolerant. If you are very sensitive to gluten, you should still check the ingredients as a precaution, as the production conditions may sometimes result in traces of gluten.

Sunflower seeds for gout

Anyone suffering from gout should eat a low-purine diet. However, the consumption of sunflower seeds is not a problem for gout — they are significantly less important than foods of animal origin and alcohol. Plant-based foods generally have a comparatively low purine content and have less of an effect on uric acid levels than animal-based foods, as you can read under the previous link.

The phytochemicals in sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds contain a wide variety of phytochemicals that are responsible for many of the health effects of the seeds:

· Flavonoids (quercetin, kaempferol, luteolin, apigenin etc.)

· Phenolic acids (caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, etc.)

· Phytosterols (campesterol, stigmasterol, etc.)

Flavonoids have antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory effects, among other things, and phenolic acids also have an antioxidant effect. Phytosterols and some phenolic acids have a positive effect on cholesterol levels. Overall, the kernels contain higher amounts of phytochemicals than the pods, which are usually not eaten with them anyway.

This is how sunflower seeds affect health

In folk medicine, sunflower seeds are used for heart disease, infections, coughs, and colds, among other things. Studies have also identified the following effects — sunflower seeds work:

· Antioxidant

· Antibacterial

· Anti-inflammatory

· Antidiabetic

· Antihypertensive

Below are a few uses of sunflower seeds as home remedies, as well as a few studies that examined the health effects of sunflower seeds.

Sunflower seeds for heartburn

Eating a small handful of sunflower seeds for heartburn can provide short-term relief. Because the kernels as well as other seeds and nuts should be well chewed to bind the excess acid in the stomach and protect the stomach lining.

Sunflower seeds for constipation

Since sunflower seeds contain plenty of fiber, they can also have a positive effect on digestion. Those prone to constipation can eat a small handful of sunflower seeds every day as a preventive measure. Fiber (and virtually any food) should be chewed well as it can cause gas in sensitive individuals.

Sunflower seeds help with obesity

The chlorogenic acid contained in sunflower seeds is already known to activate lipid metabolism and lower the blood sugar level and the LDL cholesterol level. For this reason, French researchers tested how sunflower seeds affect people who are overweight.

A total of 50 overweight people were recruited for the study — 30 subjects received 500 mg of sunflower seed extract daily for 12 weeks, and the remaining 20 subjects received a placebo. In addition, all persons were instructed to take 500 kcal less per day than before.

After 12 weeks, weight, BMI, waist circumference, body fat percentage, glucose, and cholesterol levels were measured. All values ​​had improved in both groups, but the greater successes were measured in the sunflower seed group. Women over 30 responded to the sunflower seed extract in particular: They lost an average of three times more waist circumference than the over 30-year-old women in the placebo group.

Colon Cleansing Simple Clean

Since obesity is a risk factor for diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, and many other diseases, the researchers concluded that the chlorogenic acid contained in sunflower seeds could reduce the risk of these diseases. However, this effect is not only to be expected from an extract, which is known to contain standardized contents of ingredients but also from the normal consumption of sunflower seeds, as you will learn in the next paragraph.

Sunflower seeds lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels

Indian researchers investigated the influence of the consumption of sunflower seeds: 60 test subjects with type 2 diabetes received nutritional advice, half of whom were additionally instructed to eat 2 grams of sunflower seeds daily for 6 months.

After 6 months, the blood sugar and cholesterol levels in the sunflower seed group had improved significantly compared with the control group. The researchers also attributed this result to chlorogenic acid, among other things. The results show that sunflower seeds are a valuable part of a balanced diet and can reduce the risk of the diseases mentioned.

Buying sunflower seeds — this is what you should pay attention to

Image credit: Joshua Rawson-Harris, Unsplash

Sunflowers are grown worldwide, but the harvest in Europe is too small to meet demand. That is why the kernels are sometimes also imported from other countries. When buying, make sure that the kernels come at least from Europe to avoid long transport routes.

Sometimes sunflower seeds are offered salted or otherwise seasoned — as a rule, however, the Western diet is already very salty, which is why it is better to use the unsalted kernels. With spiced kernels, you should make sure that they do not contain any flavor enhancers (recognizable by the three-digit E numbers in the table of contents with a 6 at the beginning: E6xx).

Pesticides and molds in sunflower seeds?

The Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety examined various foods for pesticide residues in 2015. Of the 170 sunflower seed samples examined, no pesticide residues were found. The Federal Office also examined sunflower oil for the mold toxins aflatoxin and ochratoxin A — neither of which was detected. In more recent studies, sunflower seeds were no longer tested.

Do sunflower seeds store cadmium?

Like many other foods, sunflower seeds pull the heavy metal cadmium out of the soil and store it in them. Cadmium is associated with kidney dysfunction and is only excreted extremely slowly. Germans consume around 1.5 µg of cadmium per kilogram of body weight through their diet, and vegetarians around 1.8 µg. According to the European Food Safety Authority, the maximum tolerable amount is 2.5 µg per kilogram of body weight per week. Smoking, iron, and calcium deficiency also lead to the body absorbing more cadmium.

Cadmium occurs in animal and plant-based foods and is so widespread that its consumption can hardly be avoided. However, plant-based foods contain many phytochemicals that contribute to detoxification and protect against the development of diseases. A varied plant-based diet and a good supply of iron and calcium are therefore important. Then the benefits of sunflower seeds outweigh the benefits by far and the cadmium they may contain cannot do any harm.

Growing sunflowers from sunflower seeds

If you have a bird feeder in your garden and occasionally fill it with sunflower seeds, you may be surprised in your garden next year with a sunflower that has grown from a fallen core. Because peeled and unpeeled kernels usually germinate without any problems. Therefore, they are also wonderfully suitable for growing sprouts.

Sunflowers also feel good in a pot, as long as they are in a sunny location and the pot offers enough space (diameter approx. 30 cm). Sunflowers not only add color to the garden — after flowering, the kernels can also be harvested.

Harvest sunflower seeds

The seeds of the sunflower are in the middle of the flower, surrounded by the yellow petals. A single sunflower provides up to 1500 sunflower seeds, depending on the variety. The kernels are harvested from late summer to autumn. When the petals begin to wither and the back of the flower turns yellow-brown, the time is right for harvest. Now you can cut off the flower with part of the stem, attach it to a string, and hang it upside down inside to dry it.

If the sunflower is completely dry, the kernels will practically fall out on their own — this should be the case after a few days. The best thing to do is to put a bag over it so that the kernels are caught directly. The remaining cores can be easily removed by hand. Now wash the harvested sunflower seeds to remove dust and other dirt and spread them out on a towel to dry them so that they do not start to get moldy afterwards.

Store sunflower seeds properly

Sunflower seeds are best stored in an airtight container, dry and dark. So they can be kept for two to three months. If you want to keep the kernels longer, you should keep them in the refrigerator, where they can be kept for up to a year. They can also last for at least a year in a freezer bag in the freezer. When sunflower seeds are bad, they start to smell a little rancid and sour and taste strange.

Pull sprouts from sunflower seeds

Sprouts can be easily grown from peeled and unpeeled sunflower seeds. For example, they can be enjoyed in salads, on bread, or as a nutritious snack:

1. Wash the sunflower seeds in a colander.

2. Then put at least twice the amount of water in a glass (e.g. mason jar) and soak in it. Then attach a thin, water-permeable piece of fabric or a fine sieve to the opening with an elastic band. Peeled kernels need about 8 hours of soaking time — unpeeled for about 12 hours.

3. After the soaking time, the first germs can sometimes appear. The water is now poured off through the sieve.

4. Now the glass is tilted slightly so that the water can run off. It is best to put a small plate underneath and lean it against something. Purchased germination jars have a device with which they can be set at an angle, e.g. B on the drainer next to the sink. However, the glass should be in a place where the sun gets as little as possible because sunflower seeds germinate best in the dark. The ideal room temperature for germination is between 18 and 22 degrees.

5. From now on, the glass should be rinsed with water two to three times a day. For rinsing, the sieve or the fabric remains on it and the glass is swiveled a few times. Then the glass is tilted again.

6. After a day or two, the sunflower sprouts can be eaten.

7. If the sprouts are left to germinate for a longer time, small leaflets will form after about a week. These “microgreens” can be used wonderfully in salads. Unpeeled kernels are a little better suited for this, as they are less susceptible to bacteria and mold.

Peeling sunflower seeds

Whether you eat sunflower seeds with or without the shell is a matter of taste. The peel can be eaten, but it is almost indigestible and can cause problems, especially for people with existing digestive problems. Unpeeled sunflower seeds should not be consumed in large quantities.

If you want to eat the sunflower seeds directly, first bite into the first third of the kernel, then into the second third, and then onto the back end — then the kernel is released from the shell and lands directly in the mouth. Alternatively, crack open the shell with your teeth and then remove it with your fingernails.

Unfortunately, there is no simpler or more efficient solution to peeling larger quantities at home. If you work the shells with a hammer, for example, most of the cores also break, which would be a shame. Those who do not want to do the work of peeling by hand would rather leave the kernels to the birds in the garden and buy peeled kernels.

Soak sunflower seeds?

Sometimes it is advised to soak nuts and kernels before consuming them because of their lectins and phytic acid content.

It is the same with sunflower seeds, as a study shows: if left untreated, the seeds contained 1.52 g of phytic acid (per 100 g of sunflower seeds); after the seeds were soaked for 16 hours, the phytic acid content had increased to 1.66 g. Only 72 hours after the kernels had germinated, the phytic acid was reduced to 1.33 g. The lectin content was not investigated in the study — we have not been able to find any evaluations anywhere else so far.

Phytic acid and lectins are always viewed as extremely harmful and referred to as anti-nutrients, but they also have positive properties. In addition, individual substances should not be viewed in isolation. Plant-based foods contain many other phytochemicals that prevent diseases and possibly compensate for potential damage to individual active ingredients. Avoiding sunflower seeds for fear of phytic acid and lectins would be an exaggeration.

Roast sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds taste wonderful when roasted, e.g. B. as a topping in a salad, in soup, or pesto. Put the kernels — peeled or unpeeled — in the pan without oil and roast them on the lowest setting, swirling occasionally. Do not let the seeds out of your sight, because they burn quickly — they shouldn’t turn black. The cores are ready after a few minutes.

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Salahuddin Ahmed
Salahuddin Ahmed

Written by Salahuddin Ahmed

Dad. Medical writer. Farmer. Thalassophile. Visited 34 marvelous cities across the globe, plans to visit many more. Love photography, working out, reading.

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